
İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi / Uluslararası Ticaret ve Lojistik (İngili...

Career Planning

This class has four overriding aims: • To provide you with an understanding of where the job market, careers and the overall “world of work” are headed; • To help you better know and understand yourselves (personality, behavior, skills, motivators, values, goals and preferences); • To guide you in establishing internship and career objectives • To provide you with strategies, action plans and the skills and knowledge you need to achieve these objectives.

Ders Kredisi Kredi Ücreti AKTS Kredisi Verildiği Dönem Dil Dersi Veren Ders Takvimi
1 2500₺ 3 Güz İNGİLİZCE Prof.Dr. AHMET MURAT KÖSEOĞLU Güncelleniyor