
İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi / Uluslararası İlişkiler (İngilizce)

Theory of Digital Diplomacy

To give the foundations of Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation, Digital Diplomacy philosophy and methodology to the students and to increase their awareness about new wave technologies, artificial intelligence, smart cities, blockchain and others respectively.Moreover, to present the evolution of digital diplomacy and how technologies, specifically AI will revolutionize diplomacy.

Ders Kredisi Kredi Ücreti AKTS Kredisi Verildiği Dönem Dil Dersi Veren Ders Takvimi
3 2500₺ 6 Güz İNGİLİZCE Doktor UMUT KÖKSAL Güncelleniyor