
İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi / Uluslararası Ticaret ve Finansman (İng)

International Marketing

The objectives of the course as follows: • Introducing students to the institutions, vocabulary, and players in the world of international marketing. • Providing students with the opportunity to begin to understand different cultures and the implication this has for marketers. • Allowing students to gain experience in analyzing the marketing environment and marketing-related decisions for a firm entering non-domestic markets. Students should know key sources for researching the cultural, economic, ethical, and political environments and anticipate the influence each will have on marketing strategies and decision-making.

Course Credit Credit Fees ECTS Credit Season Language Lecturer Course Calendar
3 2500₺ 6 Bahar İNGİLİZCE Dr. Öğretim Üyesi METİN TOPTAŞ Updating